Our Findings Support Project Implementation and Policy Recommendations
Social Research
Pre-Test Survey
Pretesting or pilot testing of a survey is conducted to test the survey instrument and data collection procedure before data collection begins. The objective is to ensure that the question being asked accurately reflect the information required. It would cover;
- Testing existing questions
- Development and test of new questions
- Issues and suggestions
- Overall assessment of tools
- Approved survey tools
Baseline survey
A study done at the beginning of a project to collect information of baseline data on the status of community or beneficiary before intervention can affect it. We'll conduct up to data or report. Report will include;
- General information/profile of target community
- Economic status of benificiaries
- Gender issue
- Policy and services
- Vulnerability of natural disasters
- Case studies
- Suggestions and recommendations
M & E Studies
The purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of projects and programmes. Monitoring is systematic observation and data collection to check if and how planned activities are being implemented during the project period. Report will include;
- Monitoring activities
- Major issues that may require immediate actions
- Key actions recommended
End line Evaluation
The objective of the end line evaluation was to collect data (qualitative and quantitative) on planning and budgeting,which can be measured, compared and analyzed against the baseline value (both beneficiary and control group), overall objective indicators and expected result and project achievement. We'll conduct up to data or report for the following contents;
- Project relevancy
- Efficiency
- Effectiveness
- Sustainability of project
- Check other indicators
Rapid Assessment
It will be done as intensive, team-based qualitative inquiry using triangulation, iterative data analysis, and additional data collection to quickly develop a preliminary understanding of a situation from the insider's persepctive.
- Data collection method
- General information
- Population identification
- Water and sanitation
- Health risk and care
- Socio-economic condition
- Others