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Myanmar’s fruit trucks delayed amid China’s border trade system being advanced

Traders based at the China-Myanmar border said that since China is adjusting the level 2 for border trade, it has not reached the fruit sales field from Myanmar yet. According to a border-based trader, the customs system is also being updated on the Chinese side, and it is not yet known what will happen in the new system.

Trade is expected to improve after the Chinese New Year period, but prices have fallen slightly as fruits from Viet Nam and Laos have started entering the Chinese market, according to border reports. The 855 melons are priced at 3.6 yuan per kilogramme, Tangwan fruit is 3.6 yuan, and sweet melons are priced at 5 yuan per kilogramme. On 1 February 2023, 54 cars entered the Chinese fruit market.

China is starting to install a new system for border trade, and traders say it is still unclear what will happen. When the Chinese market just opened, melons and cucumbers from Myanmar fetched good prices, but after the price dropped due to the export of low-quality fruits, they are hoping to get good prices again after the New Year period. 

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

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