
YRIC nods 11 domestic, foreign enterprises on 29 March

The Yangon Region Investment Committee (YRIC) endorsed two domestic and seven foreign enterprises in the manufacturing sector and two foreign enterprises in the service sector, with an estimated capital of over US$11.606 million at a meeting 3/2023 held on 29 March at YRIC office.

Those projects will execute warehousing services and logistics services, hotel service business, rice milling and processing, manufacturing of clothes on a Cutting, Making, and Packing (CMP) basis, electrical wires, and production and exportation of aluminium, tin and copper. They will create over 4,000 jobs for the residents.

The manufacturing sector has attracted the most foreign investments in Yangon Region, with enterprises engaging in the production of pharmaceuticals, vehicles, container boxes, and garments on a Cutting, Making, and Packing (CMP) basis. At the meeting, Next, 12 companies raised general matters at the meeting and the YRIC gave green light to one enterprise for capital expansion of $0.62 million. 

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

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